Business Karaoke Podcast with Brittany Arthur
Business Karaoke Podcast with Brittany Arthur
The Business of Gaming is not a Game with Dr. Serkan Toto
In this episode we are joined by Dr. Serkan Toto, CEO and founder of Kantan Games, a Japan game market consultancy.
As you know, I approach any conversation we have on the Business Karaoke Podcast as if we're on a learning journey together. With all of the conversation around the Metaverse, NFTs, Crypto currencies and a 2021 study showing that consumer gaming is bigger than movies and music combined, I thought it about time to dive into this topic that I've always known to be synonymous with Japan with a very real business case but that was about where my awareness ended. Which is why I invited Dr. Serkan Toto, a native of Germany but a local of Tokyo with extensive experience in gaming advisory, to walk the Business Karaoke community through this introduction of how in fact the business of gaming is everything but a game.
In this episode we explore;
The players in the current gaming climate - from the big brands to the amateur game developer,
Drivers of change and new business models,
Lessons for industry (from gaming),
If we will ever see a virtual Olympics,
The changing faces of athletes; Ninja and Lando Norris and
The next content wave - Metaverse, NFT and gaming.
I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did. I've linked all of Serkan's info in our show notes so feel free to connect with him and follow his work directly. Let me know your thoughts on this episode by reaching out to me on LinkedIn or over on Instagram under @Business Karaoke Podcast.
Follow Serkan and more of his work here:
Website | https://www.serkantoto.com
LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/serkantoto/